HARI Smart.Play Super Shredding Ball Bird Toy

$14.99 $11.99

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Preening toys are an important part of a birds daily routine

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Stuffed with pinewood beads to discover!

Preening toys can relieve boredom, promote mental and physical stimulation, and help prevent feather plucking.


  • Toys available in a range of sizes suitable for all hookbills
  • Encourages preening and foraging
  • Relieves boredom and helps prevent feather plucking
  • Provides mental and physical stimulation
  • Helps relieve anxiety by providing entertainment

Preening is an important part of a parrot’s daily routine. Preening toys are exceptionally important to birds that are housed alone and can help deter feather-damaging behaviours. Can be embedded within some preening toys to offer a combination of preening with foraging activity. This may appeal to a parrot that has less experience with preening; helping to encourage essential grooming.

Preening toys should be offered in a variety of sizes, textures and colours. Be sure to desensitize your bird to new items that will be placed in his living quarters. Rotating a vast selection of toys from time to time can keep his interest peaked. Birds have an incredible memory and will easily recognize a favourite toy even weeks later.

  • Braided streamers will provide longer-lasting enjoyment and stimulate the dexterity and ingenuity to preen these.
  • Hanging tassels are a great way to ruffle some feathers and stimulate preening.
  • A swing perch with a woven head of natural sisal or abaca rope is an excellent toy to provide both a comfortable perching area, stimulate exercise and preening activity.
  • Preening devices that are small enough to be held by your parrot’s foot such as small balls with bristles or a toothbrush make great additions to a preening toy collection. They not only encourage preening but also dexterity and balance.
  • Preening toys should not be placed close to water bowls or areas where misting and bathing will take place. Materials on some toys may get wet or mouldy and the bird could preen mould onto his feathers. Cotton rope perches can offer stability if offered near a favourite preening device, but once they have become frayed should be removed from the cage or play area. Small threads are hard to see if they become wrapped around little feet, which can cause discomfort and sometimes constriction. Removing any items that have frayed and may become a possible suspension hazard is crucial.

Additional Information

Weight 0.260 kg



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